Illinois Process Servers

Call us anytime for your expedited (rush) legal document delivery

We are the leading Process Servers in Illinois

Kellerman Investigations is a firm of licensed Illinois process servers with the experience to serve your difficult foreclosure papers, summons, subpoenas and legal documents. Our Certified Process Servers will make every effort to effect service as expeditiously as possible or at the date and time specified by our clients. With years of service to Legal Firms, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Public and Private Organizations and Discerning Individuals, you can be sure you are hiring the best legal document servers in Illinois.

Check your document status day or night. Once we have accepted your paper you will have 24/7 access to web-enabled case management tools via proprietary online software. From the field our process servers post all service attempts including those service attempts that result in successful service via a wireless internet device. This assures that you are always up-to-date on the status of your paper and you can access the information from any internet-enabled computer.

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